• Definition - A small bottle or container used to hold a condiment, such as salt, pepper, oil, or vinegar, for use at a dining table.
  • Definition - A stand for these containers.
  • Definition - A small vessel used to hold wine or water for the Eucharist.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
cruet 7 curet 7 cuter 7 eruct 7 recut 7 truce 7
4 Letter Words
cert 6 cure 6 curt 6 cute 6 ecru 6 true 4
3 Letter Words
cru 5 cue 5 cur 5 cut 5 ecu 5 rec 5 tec 5 ret 3 rue 3 rut 3 ute 3
2 Letter Words
er 2 et 2 re 2 te 2 ut 2