• Definition - Craziness; insanity.
  • Definition - A strong habitual desire or fancy.
  • Definition - A temporary passion or infatuation, as for some new amusement, pursuit, or fashion; a fad
  • Definition - A crack in the glaze or enamel caused by exposure of the pottery to great or irregular heat.
  • Definition - To weaken; to impair; to render decrepit.
  • Definition - To derange the intellect of; to render insane.
  • Definition - To be crazed, or to act or appear as one that is crazed; to rave; to become insane.
  • Definition - To break into pieces; to crush; to grind to powder. See crase.
  • Definition - To crack, as the glazing of porcelain or pottery.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
craze 16
4 Letter Words
czar 15 raze 13 acre 6 care 6 race 6
3 Letter Words
rez 12 ace 5 arc 5 car 5 rec 5 are 3 ear 3 era 3
2 Letter Words
za 11 ae 2 ar 2 er 2 re 2