• Definition - The luminous plasma atmosphere of the Sun or other star, extending millions of kilometres into space, most easily seen during a total solar eclipse.
  • Definition - A circle or set of circles visible around a bright celestial object, especially the Sun or the Moon, attributable to an optical phenomenon produced by the diffraction of its light by small water droplets or tiny ice crystals.
  • Definition - (by extension) Any luminous or crownlike ring around an object or person.
  • Definition - A luminous appearance caused by corona discharge, often seen as a bluish glow in the air adjacent to pointed metal conductors carrying high voltages.
  • Definition - The large, flat, projecting member of a cornice which crowns the entablature, situated above the bed moulding and below the cymatium.
  • Definition - A large, round pendent chandelier, with spikes around its upper rim to hold candles or lamps, usually hung from the roof of a church.
  • Definition - A crown or garland bestowed among the Romans as a reward for distinguished services.
  • Definition - Any appendage of an organism that resembles a crown or corona.
  • Definition - An upper or crownlike portion of certain parts of the body.
  • Definition - A manifestation of secondary syphilis, consisting of papular lesions along the hairline, often bordering the scalp in the manner of a crown.
  • Definition - An oval-shaped astrogeological feature, present on both the planet Venus and Uranus's moon Miranda, probably formed by upwellings of warm material below the surface.
  • Definition - A mineral zone, consisting of one or more minerals, which surrounds another mineral or lies at the interface of two minerals, typically in a radial arrangement; a reaction rim.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
coronae 9
6 Letter Words
canoer 8 cornea 8 corona 8 racoon 8
5 Letter Words
acorn 7 caner 7 canoe 7 cooer 7 crane 7 crone 7 croon 7 nacre 7 narco 7 ocean 7 ocrea 7 racon 7 rance 7 recon 7
4 Letter Words
acne 6 acre 6 acro 6 arco 6 cane 6 care 6 carn 6 cero 6 cone 6 coon 6 core 6 corn 6 narc 6 once 6 orca 6 race 6 aeon 4 aero 4 earn 4 near 4 reno 4 roan 4
3 Letter Words
ace 5 arc 5 can 5 car 5 con 5 coo 5 cor 5 eco 5 oca 5 orc 5 rec 5 roc 5 ane 3 are 3 ear 3 eon 3 era 3 ern 3 nae 3 noo 3 nor 3 oar 3 one 3 ono 3 ora 3 ore 3 ran 3 roe 3 roo 3
2 Letter Words
ae 2 an 2 ar 2 en 2 er 2 na 2 ne 2 no 2 oe 2 on 2 or 2 re 2