• Definition - An outermost-but-one whorl of a flower, composed of petals, when it is not the same in appearance as the outermost whorl (the calyx); it usually comprises the petal, which may be fused.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
corolla 9
6 Letter Words
alcool 8 collar 8
5 Letter Words
carol 7 claro 7 color 7 coral 7 local 7 loral 5
4 Letter Words
acro 6 arco 6 call 6 calo 6 carl 6 coal 6 cola 6 cool 6 loca 6 loco 6 orca 6 olla 4 oral 4 roll 4
3 Letter Words
arc 5 cal 5 car 5 col 5 coo 5 cor 5 lac 5 oca 5 orc 5 roc 5 all 3 lar 3 loo 3 lor 3 oar 3 ora 3 roo 3
2 Letter Words
al 2 ar 2 la 2 lo 2 or 2