• Definition - Boring and unoriginal.
  • Example - The duct tape and wire were a pretty corny solution.
  • Definition - Hackneyed or excessively sentimental.
  • Example - He sent a bouquet of twelve red roses and a card: "Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you." How corny is that!
  • Definition - Producing corn or grain; furnished with grains of corn.
  • Example - He sent a bouquet of twelve red roses and a card: "Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you." How corny is that!
  • Definition - Containing corn; tasting well of malt.
  • Example - He sent a bouquet of twelve red roses and a card: "Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you." How corny is that!
  • Definition - Tipsy; drunk
  • Example - He sent a bouquet of twelve red roses and a card: "Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you." How corny is that!
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
cornier 9
6 Letter Words
coiner 8 corner 8 corrie 8 orcein 8 orrice 8 recoin 8 ironer 6
5 Letter Words
corer 7 crier 7 crone 7 crore 7 nicer 7 orcin 7 recon 7 ricer 7 irone 5
4 Letter Words
cero 6 cine 6 cion 6 cire 6 coin 6 coir 6 cone 6 coni 6 core 6 corn 6 icon 6 nice 6 once 6 rice 6 inro 4 iron 4 noir 4 nori 4 rein 4 reno 4
3 Letter Words
con 5 cor 5 eco 5 ice 5 orc 5 rec 5 roc 5 eon 3 ern 3 err 3 ion 3 ire 3 nor 3 one 3 ore 3 rei 3 rin 3 roe 3
2 Letter Words
en 2 er 2 in 2 ne 2 no 2 oe 2 oi 2 on 2 or 2 re 2