• Definition - A marine gastropod of the family Strombidae which lives in its own spiral shell.
  • Definition - The shell of this sea animal.
  • Definition - A musical instrument made from a large spiral seashell, somewhat like a trumpet.
  • Definition - The semidome of an apse, or the apse itself.
  • Definition - A machine (rather like a rotating pestle and mortar) used to refine the flavour and texture of chocolate by warming and grinding.
  • Definition - A person who operates such a machine.
  • Definition - The shelf- or bracket-shaped fruiting body of a bracket fungus (also called a shelf fungus), i.e. a mushroom growing off a tree trunk.
  • Definition - A nose, especially a large one.
  • Definition - To hit, especially on the head.
  • Definition - A hairstyle involving the chemical straightening and styling of kinky hair.
  • Definition - To chemically straighten tightly curled hair.
  • Definition - (often with out) To fail or show signs of failing, cease operating, break down, become unconscious.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
conks 11 nocks 11
4 Letter Words
conk 10 nock 10 sock 10 cons 6
3 Letter Words
kos 7 con 5 cos 5 soc 5 nos 3 ons 3 son 3
2 Letter Words
ok 6 no 2 on 2 os 2 so 2