• Definition - To end; to come to an end.
  • Example - The story concluded with a moral.
  • Definition - To bring to an end; to close; to finish.
  • Example - The story concluded with a moral.
  • Definition - To bring about as a result; to effect; to make.
  • Example - to conclude a bargain
  • Definition - To come to a conclusion, to a final decision.
  • Example - From the evidence, I conclude that this man was murdered.
  • Definition - To make a final determination or judgment concerning; to judge; to decide.
  • Example - From the evidence, I conclude that this man was murdered.
  • Definition - To shut off; to restrain; to limit; to estop; to bar; generally in the passive.
  • Example - A judgment concludes the introduction of further evidence.
  • Definition - To shut up; to enclose.
  • Example - A judgment concludes the introduction of further evidence.
  • Definition - To include; to comprehend; to shut up together; to embrace.
  • Example - A judgment concludes the introduction of further evidence.
  • Definition - To deduce, to infer (develop a causal relation)
  • Example - A judgment concludes the introduction of further evidence.
Words in your word
8 Letter Words
conclude 13
7 Letter Words
conduce 12 occlude 12
6 Letter Words
cloned 9 leucon 8 louden 7 nodule 7
5 Letter Words
codec 10 cloud 8 clued 8 coden 8 coled 8 coned 8 coude 8 could 8 dolce 8 douce 8 dulce 8 dunce 8 clone 7 ounce 7 uncle 7 loden 6 olden 6 unled 6
4 Letter Words
clod 7 code 7 coed 7 cold 7 cued 7 deco 7 duce 7 clon 6 clue 6 cole 6 cone 6 luce 6 once 6 unco 6 dole 5 done 5 duel 5 dune 5 lend 5 leud 5 lode 5 loud 5 lude 5 ludo 5 node 5 nude 5 olde 5 udon 5 unde 5 undo 5 enol 4 leno 4 lone 4 lune 4 noel 4
3 Letter Words
cod 6 cud 6 doc 6 cel 5 col 5 con 5 cue 5 eco 5 ecu 5 del 4 den 4 doe 4 dol 4 don 4 due 4 dun 4 duo 4 eld 4 end 4 led 4 lud 4 nod 4 ode 4 old 4 oud 4 udo 4 eon 3 leu 3 lun 3 ole 3 one 3
2 Letter Words
de 3 do 3 ed 3 od 3 el 2 en 2 lo 2 ne 2 no 2 nu 2 oe 2 on 2 un 2