• Definition - A colloquy; a meeting for discussion.
  • Definition - An academic meeting or seminar usually led by a different lecturer and on a different topic at each meeting.
  • Definition - An address to an academic meeting or seminar.
  • Definition - That part of the complaint or declaration in an action for defamation which shows that the words complained of were spoken concerning the plaintiff.
Words in your word
9 Letter Words
colloquia 20
6 Letter Words
alcool 8 loculi 8
5 Letter Words
coqui 16 quail 14 quill 14 quoll 14 aulic 7 lilac 7 local 7 oculi 7
4 Letter Words
quai 13 call 6 calo 6 caul 6 ciao 6 coal 6 coil 6 cola 6 cool 6 cull 6 laic 6 loca 6 loci 6 loco 6 lilo 4 olio 4 olla 4
3 Letter Words
qua 12 cal 5 col 5 coo 5 lac 5 oca 5 ail 3 all 3 ill 3 loo 3 oil 3
2 Letter Words
qi 11 ai 2 al 2 la 2 li 2 lo 2 oi 2