• Definition - Any of several fastenings.
  • Definition - The act or process of holding fast; that which serves to hold fast; a grip or grasp.
  • Example - to get a good clinch of an antagonist, or of a weapon
  • Definition - A pun.
  • Example - to get a good clinch of an antagonist, or of a weapon
  • Definition - A hitch or bend by which a rope is made fast to the ring of an anchor, or the breeching of a ship's gun to the ringbolts.
  • Example - to get a good clinch of an antagonist, or of a weapon
  • Definition - A passionate embrace.
  • Example - to get a good clinch of an antagonist, or of a weapon
  • Definition - In combat sports, the act of one or both fighters holding onto the other to prevent being hit or engage in standup grappling.
  • Example - to get a good clinch of an antagonist, or of a weapon
  • Definition - To clasp; to interlock.
  • Example - to get a good clinch of an antagonist, or of a weapon
  • Definition - To make certain; to finalize.
  • Example - I already planned to buy the car, but the color was what really clinched it for me.
  • Definition - To fasten securely or permanently.
  • Example - I already planned to buy the car, but the color was what really clinched it for me.
  • Definition - To bend and hammer the point of (a nail) so it cannot be removed.
  • Example - I already planned to buy the car, but the color was what really clinched it for me.
  • Definition - To embrace passionately.
  • Example - I already planned to buy the car, but the color was what really clinched it for me.
  • Definition - To hold firmly; to clench.
  • Example - I already planned to buy the car, but the color was what really clinched it for me.
  • Definition - To set closely together; to close tightly.
  • Example - to clinch the teeth or the fist
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
clinch 13
5 Letter Words
cinch 12
4 Letter Words
chic 11 chin 9 inch 9 lich 9
3 Letter Words
chi 8 hic 8 ich 8 hin 6 lin 3 nil 3
2 Letter Words
hi 5 in 2 li 2