• Definition - One who occupationally works with records, accounts, letters, etc.; an office worker.
  • Definition - A facilitator of a Quaker meeting for business affairs.
  • Definition - In the Church of England, the layman that assists in the church service, especially in reading the responses (also called parish clerk).
  • Definition - A cleric or clergyman (the legal title for clergy of the Church of England is "Clerk in Holy Orders", still used in legal documents and cherished by some of their number).
  • Definition - A scholar.
  • Definition - To act as a clerk, to perform the duties or functions of a clerk
  • Example - The law school graduate clerked for the supreme court judge for the summer.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
clerk 11
4 Letter Words
reck 10
3 Letter Words
elk 7 lek 7 cel 5 rec 5
2 Letter Words
el 2 er 2 re 2