• Definition - A demand of ownership made for something.
  • Example - a claim of ownership
  • Definition - The thing claimed.
  • Example - a claim of ownership
  • Definition - The right or ground of demanding.
  • Example - You don't have any claim on my time, since I'm no longer your employee.
  • Definition - A new statement of something one believes to be the truth, usually when the statement has yet to be verified or without valid evidence provided.
  • Example - The company's share price dropped amid claims of accounting fraud.
  • Definition - A demand of ownership for previously unowned land.
  • Example - Miners had to stake their claims during the gold rush.
  • Definition - A legal demand for compensation or damages.
  • Example - Miners had to stake their claims during the gold rush.
  • Definition - To demand ownership of.
  • Example - Miners had to stake their claims during the gold rush.
  • Definition - To state a new fact, typically without providing evidence to prove it is true.
  • Example - Miners had to stake their claims during the gold rush.
  • Definition - To demand ownership or right to use for land.
  • Example - Miners had to stake their claims during the gold rush.
  • Definition - To demand compensation or damages through the courts.
  • Example - Miners had to stake their claims during the gold rush.
  • Definition - To be entitled to anything; to deduce a right or title; to have a claim.
  • Example - Miners had to stake their claims during the gold rush.
  • Definition - To cause the loss of, usually by violent means.
  • Example - A fire claimed two homes.
  • Definition - To proclaim.
  • Example - A fire claimed two homes.
  • Definition - To call or name.
  • Example - A fire claimed two homes.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
claim 9 malic 9
4 Letter Words
calm 8 cami 8 clam 8 mica 8 laic 6 lima 6 mail 6
3 Letter Words
cam 7 mac 7 mic 7 aim 5 ami 5 cal 5 lac 5 lam 5 mil 5 ail 3
2 Letter Words
am 4 ma 4 mi 4 ai 2 al 2 la 2 li 2