• Definition - Any of several shrubs or trees of the genus Citrus in the family Rutaceae.
  • Definition - The fruit of such plants, generally spherical, oblate, or prolate, consisting of an outer glandular skin (called zest), an inner white skin (called pith or albedo), and generally between 8 and 16 sectors filled with pulp consisting of cells with one end attached to the inner skin. Citrus fruits include orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, and citron.
  • Definition - Of or relating to citrus plants or fruit.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
citrus 8 rictus 8 rustic 8
5 Letter Words
crits 7 crust 7 curst 7 cutis 7 ictus 7
4 Letter Words
cist 6 cris 6 crit 6 crus 6 curs 6 curt 6 cuts 6 scut 6 tics 6 uric 6 rust 4 ruts 4 stir 4 suit 4 tuis 4
3 Letter Words
cis 5 cru 5 cur 5 cut 5 sic 5 tic 5 its 3 rut 3 sir 3 sit 3 sri 3 tis 3 tui 3 uts 3
2 Letter Words
is 2 it 2 si 2 ti 2 us 2 ut 2