• Definition - To bite or chew loudly or heavily.
  • Example - The dog chomped on the treat and swallowed it in one gulp.
  • Definition - (Perl) To remove the final character from (a text string) if it is a newline (or, less commonly, some other programmer-specified character).
  • Example - The dog chomped on the treat and swallowed it in one gulp.
  • Definition - An incompetent person, a blockhead; a loser.
  • Example - That chump wouldn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
  • Definition - A gullible person; a sucker; someone easily taken advantage of; someone lacking common sense.
  • Example - It shouldn't be hard to put one over on that chump.
  • Definition - The thick end, especially of a piece of wood or of a joint of meat.
  • Example - It shouldn't be hard to put one over on that chump.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
chump 14
4 Letter Words
chum 11 hump 11 much 11 umph 11
3 Letter Words
hum 8 hup 8 cum 7 cup 7 ump 7
2 Letter Words
hm 7 uh 5 mu 4 um 4 up 4