• Definition - An electronic device which uses a piezoelectric transducer to make chirping noise, often designed to be hidden and function as an annoyance
  • Definition - Specifically, a version of the above designed to be thrown for placement. Similar to a throwie.
  • Definition - In a good mood; happy and energetic.
  • Example - He's surprisingly chirpy for someone who just lost his father.
  • Definition - Making chirping noises.
  • Example - He's surprisingly chirpy for someone who just lost his father.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
chirpy 16
5 Letter Words
chirp 12 pricy 12 pyric 12
4 Letter Words
chip 11 pyic 11 rich 9 crip 8
3 Letter Words
hyp 11 chi 8 cry 8 hic 8 hip 8 ich 8 icy 8 phi 8 pry 8 yip 8 pic 7 rip 5
2 Letter Words
hi 5 pi 4