• Definition - (material) A long object used to make a physical connection.
  • Definition - (communications) A system for transmitting television or Internet services over a network of coaxial or fibreoptic cables.
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - A telegram, notably when sent by (submarine) telegraph cable.
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - A unit of length equal to one tenth of a nautical mile.
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - (unit, chiefly nautical) 100 fathoms, 600 imperial feet, approximately 185 m.
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - The currency pair British Pound against United States Dollar.
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - A moulding, shaft of a column, or any other member of convex, rounded section, made to resemble the spiral twist of a rope.
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - A textural pattern achieved by passing groups of stitches over one another.
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - To provide with cable(s)
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - To fasten (as if) with cable(s)
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - To wrap wires to form a cable
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - To send a telegram by cable
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - To communicate by cable
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - To ornament with cabling.
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
  • Definition - To create cable stitches.
  • Example - I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
cable 9
4 Letter Words
able 6 alec 6 bale 6 beal 6 blae 6 lace 6
3 Letter Words
cab 7 ace 5 alb 5 bal 5 bel 5 cal 5 cel 5 lab 5 lac 5 ale 3 lea 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 be 4 ae 2 al 2 el 2 la 2