• Definition - A group of objects held together by wrapping or tying.
  • Example - a bundle of straw or of paper; a bundle of old clothes
  • Definition - A package wrapped or tied up for carrying.
  • Example - a bundle of straw or of paper; a bundle of old clothes
  • Definition - A group of products or services sold together as a unit.
  • Example - This software bundle includes a wordprocessor, a spreadsheet, and two games.
  • Definition - A large amount, especially of money.
  • Example - The inventor of that gizmo must have made a bundle.
  • Definition - A cluster of closely bound muscle or nerve fibres.
  • Example - The inventor of that gizmo must have made a bundle.
  • Definition - A sequence of two or more words that occur in language with high frequency but are not idiomatic; a chunk, cluster, or lexical bundle.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - (Mac OS X) A directory containing related resources such as source code; application bundle.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - A quantity of paper equal to two reams (1000 sheets).
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - A court bundle, the assemblage of documentation prepared for, and referred to during, a court case.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - Topological space composed of a base space and fibers projected to the base space.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - To tie or wrap together into a bundle.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - To hustle; to dispatch something or someone quickly.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - To prepare for departure; to set off in a hurry or without ceremony; used with away, off, out.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - To dress someone warmly.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - To dress warmly. Usually bundle up
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - To sell hardware and software as a single product.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - To hurry.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - To hastily or clumsily push, put, carry or otherwise send something into a particular place.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - To sleep on the same bed without undressing.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - (often with 'on') To jump into a dogpile.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
  • Definition - To pile on, to overwhelm in other senses.
  • Example - examples of bundles would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
bundle 9
5 Letter Words
blend 8 blued 8 lubed 8 unled 6
4 Letter Words
bedu 7 bend 7 bled 7 bund 7 blue 6 lube 6 unbe 6 duel 5 dune 5 lend 5 leud 5 lude 5 nude 5 unde 5 lune 4
3 Letter Words
bed 6 bud 6 deb 6 dub 6 bel 5 ben 5 bun 5 neb 5 nub 5 del 4 den 4 due 4 dun 4 eld 4 end 4 led 4 lud 4 leu 3 lun 3
2 Letter Words
be 4 de 3 ed 3 el 2 en 2 ne 2 nu 2 un 2