• Definition - The cry of an animal, now chiefly that of animals related to the ass or donkey, or the camel.
  • Definition - (by extension) Any discordant, grating, or harsh sound.
  • Definition - Of an animal (now chiefly of animals related to the ass or donkey, and the camel): to make its cry.
  • Example - Whenever I walked by, that donkey brayed at me.
  • Synonyms - blore hee-haw
  • Definition - (by extension) To make a harsh, discordant sound like a donkey's bray.
  • Example - He threw back his head and brayed with laughter.
  • Definition - To make or utter (a shout, sound, etc.) discordantly, loudly, or in a harsh and grating manner.
  • Example - He threw back his head and brayed with laughter.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
bray 9
3 Letter Words
aby 8 bay 8 ray 6 rya 6 yar 6 arb 5 bar 5 bra 5
2 Letter Words
by 7 ay 5 ya 5 ab 4 ba 4 ar 2