• Definition - A dance of French origin dating from the 16th century, performed by couples in a circle or a line; the music for this dance.
  • Definition - A disorderly argument or fight, usually with a large number of people involved.
  • Definition - To engage in a brawl; to fight or quarrel.
  • Definition - To create a disturbance; to complain loudly.
  • Definition - Especially of a rapid stream running over stones: to make a loud, confused noise.
  • Definition - To pour abuse on; to scold.
  • Definition - To move to and fro, to quiver, to shake.
  • Definition - A type of dance move or step.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
brawls 11
5 Letter Words
bawls 10 blaws 10 brawl 10 braws 10
4 Letter Words
bawl 9 blaw 9 braw 9 swab 9 wabs 9 awls 7 laws 7 raws 7 slaw 7 wars 7 albs 6 arbs 6 bals 6 bars 6 bras 6 labs 6 slab 6 lars 4
3 Letter Words
wab 8 awl 6 law 6 raw 6 saw 6 war 6 was 6 abs 5 alb 5 arb 5 bal 5 bar 5 bas 5 bra 5 lab 5 sab 5 als 3 ars 3 lar 3 las 3 ras 3 sal 3
2 Letter Words
aw 5 ab 4 ba 4 al 2 ar 2 as 2 la 2