• Definition - (often used in plural) A boundary, the border which one must cross in order to enter or leave a territory.
  • Example - I reached the northern bound of my property, took a deep breath and walked on.
  • Definition - A value which is known to be greater or smaller than a given set of values.
  • Example - I reached the northern bound of my property, took a deep breath and walked on.
  • Definition - To surround a territory or other geographical entity.
  • Example - France, Portugal, Gibraltar and Andorra bound Spain.
  • Definition - To be the boundary of.
  • Example - France, Portugal, Gibraltar and Andorra bound Spain.
  • Definition - A sizeable jump, great leap.
  • Example - The deer crossed the stream in a single bound.
  • Definition - A spring from one foot to the other in dancing.
  • Example - The deer crossed the stream in a single bound.
  • Definition - A bounce; a rebound.
  • Example - the bound of a ball
  • Definition - To leap, move by jumping.
  • Example - The rabbit bounded down the lane.
  • Definition - To cause to leap.
  • Example - to bound a horse
  • Definition - To rebound; to bounce.
  • Example - a rubber ball bounds on the floor
  • Definition - To cause to rebound; to throw so that it will rebound; to bounce.
  • Example - to bound a ball on the floor
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
bounds 9
5 Letter Words
bonds 8 bound 8 bunds 8 bonus 7 bosun 7 nodus 6 sound 6 udons 6 undos 6
4 Letter Words
bods 7 bond 7 buds 7 bund 7 dubs 7 buns 6 nobs 6 nubs 6 snob 6 snub 6 dons 5 duns 5 duos 5 nods 5 ouds 5 udon 5 udos 5 undo 5 nous 4 onus 4
3 Letter Words
bod 6 bud 6 dub 6 bos 5 bun 5 bus 5 nob 5 nub 5 sob 5 sub 5 don 4 dos 4 dun 4 duo 4 nod 4 ods 4 oud 4 sod 4 udo 4 nos 3 nus 3 ons 3 son 3 sou 3 sun 3 uns 3
2 Letter Words
bo 4 do 3 od 3 no 2 nu 2 on 2 os 2 so 2 un 2 us 2