• Definition - To tie; to confine by any ligature.
  • Definition - To cohere or stick together in a mass.
  • Example - Just to make the cheese more binding
  • Definition - To be restrained from motion, or from customary or natural action, as by friction.
  • Example - I wish I knew why the sewing machine binds up after I use it for a while.
  • Definition - To exert a binding or restraining influence.
  • Example - These are the ties that bind.
  • Definition - To tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.
  • Example - to bind grain in bundles  to bind a prisoner
  • Synonyms - fasten fetter make fast restrain tie
  • Definition - To confine, restrain, or hold by physical force or influence of any kind.
  • Example - Frost binds the earth.
  • Definition - To couple.
  • Example - Frost binds the earth.
  • Definition - To oblige, restrain, or hold, by authority, law, duty, promise, vow, affection, or other social tie.
  • Example - to bind the conscience  to bind by kindness  bound by affection  commerce binds nations to each other
  • Synonyms - obligate restrain restrict
  • Definition - To put (a person) under definite legal obligations, especially, under the obligation of a bond or covenant.
  • Example - to bind the conscience  to bind by kindness  bound by affection  commerce binds nations to each other
  • Definition - To place under legal obligation to serve.
  • Example - to bind an apprentice  bound out to service
  • Synonyms - indenture
  • Definition - To protect or strengthen by applying a band or binding, as the edge of a carpet or garment.
  • Example - to bind an apprentice  bound out to service
  • Definition - To make fast (a thing) about or upon something, as by tying; to encircle with something.
  • Example - to bind a belt about one  to bind a compress upon a wound
  • Definition - To cover, as with a bandage.
  • Example - to bind up a wound
  • Synonyms - bandage dress
  • Definition - To prevent or restrain from customary or natural action, as by producing constipation.
  • Example - Certain drugs bind the bowels.
  • Definition - To put together in a cover, as of books.
  • Example - The three novels were bound together.
  • Definition - To make two or more elements stick together.
  • Example - The three novels were bound together.
  • Definition - To associate an identifier with a value; to associate a variable name, method name, etc. with the content of a storage location.
  • Example - The three novels were bound together.
  • Definition - To complain; to whine about something.
  • Example - The three novels were bound together.
  • Definition - Now chiefly in the term bounden duty: made obligatory; binding.
  • Example - The three novels were bound together.
  • Definition - Bound.
  • Example - The three novels were bound together.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
bounden 10 unboned 10
6 Letter Words
unbend 9 undone 7
5 Letter Words
boned 8 bound 8 bonne 7 donne 6 dunno 6
4 Letter Words
bedu 7 bend 7 bode 7 bond 7 bund 7 dobe 7 bone 6 bunn 6 ebon 6 unbe 6 done 5 dune 5 node 5 nude 5 udon 5 unde 5 undo 5 neon 4 none 4 noun 4
3 Letter Words
bed 6 bod 6 bud 6 deb 6 dub 6 ben 5 bun 5 neb 5 nob 5 nub 5 obe 5 den 4 doe 4 don 4 due 4 dun 4 duo 4 end 4 nod 4 ode 4 oud 4 udo 4 eon 3 nun 3 one 3
2 Letter Words
be 4 bo 4 de 3 do 3 ed 3 od 3 en 2 ne 2 no 2 nu 2 oe 2 on 2 un 2