• Definition - A soft, woolen shoe, usually knitted, for a baby or small pet.
  • Example - Take off the baby's bootees before you put her in the crib.
  • Definition - A thick sock worn under a wetsuit.
  • Example - Take off the baby's bootees before you put her in the crib.
  • Definition - An overshoe or sock worn to cover dirty shoes or feet.
  • Example - Surgeons often slip on bootees before entering the operating room.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
bootee 8
4 Letter Words
beet 6 boot 6 oboe 6
3 Letter Words
bee 5 bet 5 boo 5 bot 5 obe 5 oot 3 tee 3 toe 3 too 3
2 Letter Words
be 4 bo 4 et 2 oe 2 te 2 to 2