• Definition - A smear, smudge or blot
  • Definition - Something that appears hazy or indistinct
  • Definition - A moral stain or blot.
  • Definition - To make indistinct or hazy, to obscure or dim.
  • Example - to blur a photograph by moving the camera while taking it
  • Definition - To smear, stain or smudge.
  • Example - to blur a manuscript by handling it while damp
  • Definition - To become indistinct.
  • Example - to blur a manuscript by handling it while damp
  • Definition - To cause imperfection of vision in; to dim; to darken.
  • Example - to blur a manuscript by handling it while damp
  • Definition - To sully; to stain; to blemish, as reputation.
  • Example - to blur a manuscript by handling it while damp
  • Definition - To transfer the input focus away from.
  • Example - to blur a manuscript by handling it while damp
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
blurs 7 burls 7 slurb 7
4 Letter Words
blur 6 burl 6 burs 6 rubs 6 slub 6 urbs 6 slur 4
3 Letter Words
bur 5 bus 5 rub 5 sub 5 urb 5
2 Letter Words
us 2