• Definition - An incident of bleeding, as in haemophilia.
  • Definition - A narrow edge around a page layout, to be printed but cut off afterwards (added to allow for slight misalignment, especially with pictures that should run to the edge of the finished sheet).
  • Definition - (sound recording) The situation where sound is picked up by a microphone from a source other than that which is intended.
  • Definition - The removal of air bubbles from a pipe containing other fluids.
  • Definition - (of a person or animal) To lose blood through an injured blood vessel.
  • Example - If her nose bleeds, try to use ice.
  • Definition - To let or draw blood from.
  • Example - If her nose bleeds, try to use ice.
  • Definition - To take large amounts of money from.
  • Example - If her nose bleeds, try to use ice.
  • Definition - To steadily lose (something vital).
  • Example - The company was bleeding talent.
  • Definition - (of an ink or dye) To spread from the intended location and stain the surrounding cloth or paper.
  • Example - Ink traps counteract bleeding.
  • Definition - To remove air bubbles from a pipe containing other fluids.
  • Example - Ink traps counteract bleeding.
  • Definition - To bleed on; to make bloody.
  • Example - Ink traps counteract bleeding.
  • Definition - To show one's group loyalty by showing (its associated color) in one's blood.
  • Example - He was a devoted Vikings fan: he bled purple.
  • Definition - To lose sap, gum, or juice.
  • Example - A tree or a vine bleeds when tapped or wounded.
  • Definition - To issue forth, or drop, like blood from an incision.
  • Example - A tree or a vine bleeds when tapped or wounded.
  • Definition - (of a phonological rule) To destroy the environment where another phonological rule would have applied.
  • Example - Labialization bleeds palatalization.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
bedel 8 bleed 8
4 Letter Words
bled 7 dele 5 lede 5
3 Letter Words
bed 6 deb 6 bee 5 bel 5 dee 4 del 4 eld 4 led 4 eel 3 lee 3
2 Letter Words
be 4 de 3 ed 3 el 2