• Definition - A common gambling card game in casinos, where the object is to get as close to 21 without going over.
  • Definition - A hand in the game of blackjack consisting of a face card and an ace.
  • Definition - The flag (i.e., a jack) traditionally flown by pirate ships; popularly thought to be a white skull and crossed bones on a black field (the Jolly Roger).
  • Definition - A small, flat, blunt, usually leather-covered weapon loaded with heavy material such as lead or ball bearings, intended to inflict a blow to the head that renders the victim unconscious with diminished risk of lasting cranial trauma.
  • Definition - Any of several species of weed of genus Bidens, such as Bidens pilosa, in the family Compositae.
  • Definition - A blackjack oak.
  • Definition - To strike with a blackjack or similar weapon.
Words in your word
9 Letter Words
blackjack 30
6 Letter Words
jackal 19
5 Letter Words
jacal 14 aback 13 black 13 clack 13 alack 11 bacca 11 cabal 9
4 Letter Words
jack 17 back 12 kaka 12 balk 10 calk 10 lack 10 caca 8 alba 6 baal 6
3 Letter Words
jab 12 kab 9 cab 7 aba 5 alb 5 baa 5 bal 5 cal 5 lab 5 lac 5 aal 3 ala 3
2 Letter Words
ka 6 ab 4 ba 4 aa 2 al 2 la 2