• Definition - An exemplar of the Bible.
  • Definition - A comprehensive manual that describes something. (e.g., handyman’s bible).
  • Definition - (at certain US universities) A compilation of problems and solutions from previous years of a given course, used by some students to cheat on tests or assignments.
  • Definition - Omasum, the third compartment of the stomach of ruminants
  • Definition - A piece of soft sandstone used for scouring the wooden decks of ships, usually with sand and seawater.
  • Definition - A stone with a naturally-formed hole, used by Yorkshiremen for good luck.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
bible 9
4 Letter Words
bibe 8 bleb 8 bile 6
3 Letter Words
bib 7 ebb 7 bel 5 lib 5 lei 3 lie 3
2 Letter Words
be 4 bi 4 el 2 li 2