• Definition - An uncultivated ridge formed in the open field system, caused by the action of ploughing.
  • Definition - The wall of earth at the edge of an excavation.
  • Definition - Beam, crossbeam; squared timber; a tie beam of a house, stretching from wall to wall, especially when laid so as to form a loft, "the balks".
  • Definition - A hindrance or disappointment; a check.
  • Definition - A sudden and obstinate stop; a failure.
  • Definition - An omission.
  • Definition - A deceptive motion; a feint.
  • Definition - The area of the table lying behind the line from which the cue ball is initially shot, and from which a ball in hand must be played.
  • Definition - The area of the table lying behind the baulk line.
  • Definition - The rope by which fishing nets are fastened together.
  • Definition - To pass over or by.
  • Definition - To omit, miss or overlook by chance.
  • Definition - To miss intentionally; to avoid.
  • Definition - To stop, check, block.
  • Definition - To stop short and refuse to go on.
  • Example - The horse balked.
  • Definition - To refuse suddenly.
  • Example - The horse balked.
  • Definition - To disappoint; to frustrate.
  • Example - to balk expectation
  • Synonyms - baffle foil frustrate thwart
  • Definition - To engage in contradiction; to be in opposition.
  • Example - to balk expectation
  • Definition - To leave or make balks in.
  • Example - to balk expectation
  • Definition - To leave heaped up; to heap up in piles.
  • Example - to balk expectation
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
baulks 12
5 Letter Words
balks 11 baulk 11 bulks 11
4 Letter Words
balk 10 bask 10 bulk 10 busk 10 kabs 10 auks 8 skua 8 sulk 8 albs 6 bals 6 labs 6 slab 6 slub 6 suba 6 saul 4
3 Letter Words
kab 9 ask 7 auk 7 kas 7 ska 7 suk 7 abs 5 alb 5 bal 5 bas 5 bus 5 lab 5 sab 5 sub 5 als 3 las 3 sal 3 sau 3
2 Letter Words
ka 6 ab 4 ba 4 al 2 as 2 la 2 us 2