• Definition - Base, bottom, minimum
  • Definition - Any basal structure or part
  • Definition - Basic, elementary; relating to, or forming, the base, or point of origin.
  • Example - A basal reader is a kind of book that is used to teach reading.
  • Definition - Associated with the base of an organism or structure.
  • Example - In the spring, basal leaves emerge from a stout taproot.
  • Definition - Of a minimal level that is necessary for maintaining the health or life of an organism.
  • Example - a basal diet
  • Definition - In a phylogenetic tree, being a group, or member of a group, which diverged earlier. The earliest clade to branch in a larger clade.
  • Example - A magnolia is a basal angiosperm.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
albas 7 baals 7 balas 7 balsa 7 basal 7 sabal 7
4 Letter Words
abas 6 alba 6 albs 6 baal 6 baas 6 bals 6 labs 6 slab 6 aals 4 alas 4
3 Letter Words
aba 5 abs 5 alb 5 baa 5 bal 5 bas 5 lab 5 sab 5 aal 3 aas 3 ala 3 als 3 las 3 sal 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 aa 2 al 2 as 2 la 2