• Definition - Minimal; that is or are just sufficient.
  • Example - a bare majority
  • Definition - Naked, uncovered.
  • Example - I do wonder why keeping my little breasts bare can be lewd even as none tells my brother anything for being bare-chested.
  • Definition - Having no supplies.
  • Example - The cupboard was bare.
  • Definition - Having no decoration.
  • Example - The walls of this room are bare — why not hang some paintings on them?
  • Definition - Having had what usually covers (something) removed.
  • Example - The trees were left bare after the swarm of locusts devoured all the leaves.
  • Definition - (Toronto) A lot or lots of.
  • Example - It's bare money to get in the club each time, man.
  • Definition - With head uncovered; bareheaded.
  • Example - It's bare money to get in the club each time, man.
  • Definition - Without anything to cover up or conceal one's thoughts or actions; open to view; exposed.
  • Example - It's bare money to get in the club each time, man.
  • Definition - Mere; without embellishment.
  • Example - It's bare money to get in the club each time, man.
  • Definition - Threadbare, very worn.
  • Example - It's bare money to get in the club each time, man.
  • Definition - Not insured.
  • Example - It's bare money to get in the club each time, man.
  • Definition - One who bares or exposes something.
  • Example - It's bare money to get in the club each time, man.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
barer 7 barre 7 rebar 7
4 Letter Words
bare 6 bear 6 brae 6 rare 4 rear 4
3 Letter Words
arb 5 bar 5 bra 5 brr 5 reb 5 are 3 ear 3 era 3 err 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 be 4 ae 2 ar 2 er 2 re 2