• Definition - Security, usually a sum of money, exchanged for the release of an arrested person as a guarantee of that person's appearance for trial.
  • Definition - Release from imprisonment on payment of such money.
  • Definition - The person providing such payment.
  • Definition - A bucket or scoop used for removing water from a boat etc.
  • Definition - A person who bails water out of a boat.
  • Definition - Custody; keeping.
  • Definition - To secure the release of an arrested person by providing bail.
  • Definition - To release a person under such guarantee.
  • Definition - To hand over personal property to be held temporarily by another as a bailment.
  • Example - to bail cloth to a tailor to be made into a garment; to bail goods to a carrier
  • Definition - To remove (water) from a boat by scooping it out.
  • Example - to bail water out of a boat
  • Definition - To remove water from (a boat) by scooping it out.
  • Example - to bail a boat
  • Definition - To set free; to deliver; to release.
  • Example - to bail a boat
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
bail 6
3 Letter Words
alb 5 bal 5 lab 5 lib 5 ail 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 bi 4 ai 2 al 2 la 2 li 2