• Definition - The smallest possible amount of matter which still retains its identity as a chemical element, now known to consist of a nucleus surrounded by electrons.
  • Definition - (history of science) A hypothetical particle posited by Greek philosophers as an ultimate and indivisible component of matter.
  • Definition - The smallest, indivisible constituent part or unit of something.
  • Definition - In logical atomism, a fundamental fact that cannot be further broken down.
  • Definition - The smallest medieval unit of time, equal to fifteen ninety-fourths of a second.
  • Definition - A mote of dust in a sunbeam.
  • Definition - A very small amount; a whit.
  • Definition - (Lisp) An individual number or symbol, as opposed to a list; a scalar value.
  • Definition - A non-zero member of a Boolean algebra that is not a union of any other elements. Or, a non-zero member of a Boolean lattice that has only zero below it.
  • Example - In a Venn diagram, an atom is depicted as an area circumscribed by lines but not cut by any line.
  • Definition - An element of a set that is not itself a set; an urelement.
  • Example - In a Venn diagram, an atom is depicted as an area circumscribed by lines but not cut by any line.
  • Definition - (usually capitalised as "Atom") A member of an age group division in hockey for ten- to 11-year-olds.
  • Example - In a Venn diagram, an atom is depicted as an area circumscribed by lines but not cut by any line.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
atom 6 moat 6
3 Letter Words
mat 5 moa 5 mot 5 oma 5 tam 5 tom 5 oat 3 tao 3
2 Letter Words
am 4 ma 4 mo 4 om 4 at 2 ta 2 to 2