• Definition - A semicircular projection from a building, especially the rounded east end of a church that contains the altar.
  • Definition - The bishop's seat or throne in ancient churches.
  • Definition - A reliquary, or case in which the relics of saints were kept.
  • Definition - The nearest and furthest points to the centre of gravitational attraction for a body in orbit. More usually called an apsis.
  • Definition - An aspen tree.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
apses 7 pases 7 passe 7 spaes 7
4 Letter Words
apes 6 apse 6 asps 6 pase 6 pass 6 peas 6 saps 6 seps 6 spae 6 spas 6 seas 4
3 Letter Words
ape 5 asp 5 pas 5 pea 5 pes 5 sap 5 spa 5 ass 3 ess 3 sae 3 sea 3
2 Letter Words
pa 4 pe 4 ae 2 as 2 es 2