• Definition - Conical priest cap
  • Definition - The highest or the greatest point of something.
  • Example - the apex of the building
  • Definition - The moment of greatest success, expansion, etc.
  • Example - the apex of civilization
  • Definition - The topmost vertex of a cone or pyramid (in their conventional orientation).
  • Example - the apex of civilization
  • Definition - The "pointed" fine end of something.
  • Example - the apex of civilization
  • Definition - The end of a leaf, petal or similar organ opposed to the end where it is attached to its support; the tip.
  • Example - the apex of civilization
  • Definition - The point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun appears to move relative to nearby stars.
  • Example - the apex of civilization
  • Definition - The lowest point on a pendant drop of a liquid.
  • Example - the apex of civilization
  • Definition - The end or edge of a vein nearest the surface.
  • Example - the apex of civilization
  • Definition - A diacritic in Classical Latin that resembles and gave rise to the acute.
  • Example - the apex of civilization
  • Definition - A diacritic in Middle Vietnamese that indicates /ŋ͡m/.
  • Example - the apex of civilization
  • Definition - A sharp upward point formed by two strokes that meet at an acute angle, as in "W", uppercase "A", and closed-top "4", or by a tapered stroke, as in lowercase "t".
  • Example - the apex of civilization
  • Definition - The top of the food chain
  • Example - the apex of civilization
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
apexes 15
5 Letter Words
paxes 14 pease 7
4 Letter Words
apex 13 axes 11 exes 11 apes 6 apse 6 pase 6 peas 6 pees 6 seep 6 spae 6 ease 4
3 Letter Words
pax 12 axe 10 sax 10 sex 10 ape 5 asp 5 pas 5 pea 5 pee 5 pes 5 sap 5 spa 5 sae 3 sea 3 see 3
2 Letter Words
ax 9 ex 9 pa 4 pe 4 ae 2 as 2 es 2