• Definition - A book or table listing nautical, astronomical, astrological or other events for the year; sometimes, but not essentially, containing historical and statistical information.
  • Definition - A handbook, typically published annually, containing information on a particular subject
  • Definition - A GPS signal consisting of coarse orbit and status information for each satellite in the constellation.
Words in your word
8 Letter Words
almanack 16
7 Letter Words
almanac 11
6 Letter Words
kamala 12
5 Letter Words
alack 11 clank 11 kalam 11 canal 7
4 Letter Words
mack 12 calk 10 lack 10 calm 8 clam 8 kana 8 lank 8 alma 6 clan 6 lama 6 mana 6 alan 4 anal 4 nala 4
3 Letter Words
cam 7 mac 7 ama 5 cal 5 can 5 lac 5 lam 5 man 5 nam 5 aal 3 ala 3 ana 3
2 Letter Words
ka 6 am 4 ma 4 aa 2 al 2 an 2 la 2 na 2