• Definition - The pointing of a weapon, as a gun, a dart, or an arrow, or object, in the line of direction with the object intended to be struck; the line of fire; the direction of anything, such as a spear, a blow, a discourse, a remark, towards a particular point or object, with a view to strike or affect it.
  • Example - Take time with the aim of your gun.
  • Definition - The point intended to be hit, or object intended to be attained or affected.
  • Example - Take time with the aim of your gun.
  • Definition - Intention or goal
  • Example - My number one aim in life is to make money to make my parents, siblings and kids happy.
  • Synonyms - design purpose scheme
  • Definition - The ability of someone to aim straight; one's faculty for being able to hit a physical target
  • Example - The police officer has excellent aim, always hitting the bullseye in shooting practice.
  • Definition - Conjecture; guess.
  • Example - The police officer has excellent aim, always hitting the bullseye in shooting practice.
  • Definition - To point or direct a missile, or a weapon which propels as missile, towards an object or spot with the intent of hitting it
  • Example - He aimed at the target, but the arrow flew straight over it.
  • Definition - To direct the intention or purpose; to attempt the accomplishment of a purpose; to try to gain; to endeavor;—followed by at, or by an infinitive
  • Example - to aim at a pass
  • Definition - To direct or point (e.g. a weapon), at a particular object; to direct, as a missile, an act, or a proceeding, at, to, or against an object
  • Example - She aimed a punch at her ex-boyfriend.
  • Definition - To direct (something verbal) towards a certain person, thing, or group
  • Example - to aim a satirical comment at Communists in general
  • Definition - To guess or conjecture.
  • Example - to aim a satirical comment at Communists in general
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
aims 6 amis 6 sima 6
3 Letter Words
aim 5 ami 5 ism 5 mas 5 mis 5 sim 5 ais 3
2 Letter Words
am 4 ma 4 mi 4 ai 2 as 2 is 2 si 2