• Definition - That which is affixed; an appendage.
  • Definition - A bound morpheme added to the word’s stem's end.
  • Definition - (broadly) A bound morpheme added to a word’s stem; a prefix, suffix etc.
  • Definition - The complex number a+bi associated with the point in the Gauss plane with coordinates (a,b).
  • Definition - (decorative art) Any small feature, as a figure, a flower, or the like, added for ornament to a vessel or other utensil, to an architectural feature.
  • Definition - To attach.
  • Example - to affix a stigma to a person
  • Synonyms - join put together unite
  • Definition - To subjoin, annex, or add at the close or end; to append to.
  • Example - to affix a seal to an instrument
  • Definition - To fix or fasten figuratively; with on or upon.
  • Example - eyes affixed upon the ground
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
affixes 20
5 Letter Words
affix 18 faxes 15 fixes 15 fiefs 11 fifes 11
4 Letter Words
axes 11 axis 11 effs 10 fief 10 fife 10 safe 7 seif 7
3 Letter Words
fax 13 fix 13 axe 10 sax 10 sex 10 six 10 xis 10 aff 9 eff 9 iff 9 efs 6 fas 6 fes 6 fie 6 ifs 6 ais 3 sae 3 sea 3 sei 3
2 Letter Words
ax 9 ex 9 xi 9 ef 5 fa 5 fe 5 if 5 ae 2 ai 2 as 2 es 2 is 2 si 2