• Definition - An opinion offered in an effort to be helpful.
  • Example - She was offered various piece of advice on what to do with her new-found wealth.
  • Definition - Deliberate consideration; knowledge.
  • Example - She was offered various piece of advice on what to do with her new-found wealth.
  • Definition - (commonly in plural) Information or news given; intelligence
  • Example - late advices from France
  • Definition - In language about financial transactions executed by formal documents, an advisory document.
  • Example - An advice of an incoming settlement payment order may be given to an off-line receiving bank.
  • Definition - In commercial language, information communicated by letter; used chiefly in reference to drafts or bills of exchange
  • Example - a letter of advice
  • Definition - A communication providing information, such as how an uncertain area of law might apply to possible future actions
  • Example - An advice issued by a Monitoring Committee could be applicable in a Dutch court
  • Definition - Counseling to perform a specific legal act.
  • Example - An advice issued by a Monitoring Committee could be applicable in a Dutch court
  • Definition - Counseling to perform a specific illegal act.
  • Example - An advice issued by a Monitoring Committee could be applicable in a Dutch court
  • Definition - In aspect-oriented programming, the code whose execution is triggered when a join point is reached.
  • Example - An advice issued by a Monitoring Committee could be applicable in a Dutch court
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
advice 12
5 Letter Words
caved 11 viced 11 cavie 10
4 Letter Words
cave 9 vice 9 avid 8 deva 8 devi 8 diva 8 dive 8 vide 8 vied 8 aced 7 acid 7 cade 7 cadi 7 caid 7 cedi 7 dace 7 dice 7 iced 7 aide 5 idea 5
3 Letter Words
vac 8 dev 7 vid 7 ave 6 cad 6 via 6 vie 6 ace 5 ice 5 aid 4 die 4
2 Letter Words
ad 3 da 3 de 3 ed 3 id 3 ae 2 ai 2